Modern Education


In the 21st century, spread, lifestyle and knowledge development at the core of modern life. This means that education is fundamentally important and is in the middle of the progress of any society. The improvement of the processes and procedures involved in it would also have a significant trickle-down effect on how advanced society is and how much potential is actualized. Ultimately, this depends on how well people passing through the education system are developed. The finest talent, the acquisition of skills and holistic Honing residents are hallmarks of an advanced society. It can also be argued that the great civilizations and cultures in the past were equally concerned with the same thing.

In the 21st century is that a new and powerful means educating members of the community of teachers and educational institutions. A viable approach may be social engineering. It has the usual elements respond to human behavior and tendencies that people will be compelled to perform acts or pursue goals that do not necessarily have to be, but can be good for them. This is the case when a brilliant students do not want to launch a way that will maximize his or her potential, this can be used to convince the other person said. Granted, this form of treatment, but in many ways education is generally of the same kind.

cornerstone of social engineering is that it uses a considerable amount of insight into the human, the soul, behavior and tendency to direct persons to carry out certain activities or entertain certain thoughts. Both of which can be an objective that only the application of the methodology but not content. Furthermore, in the same note he or she is motivated by personal interest, but unknown to him or her, this is also in line with the interests of others. This can lie at the core of an elaborate teaching. The amount of applications for this group strategies are boundless. However, in general, there will be powerful as it would affect the students at the level of their own consciousness.

This is important given the current cultural and social environment students are immersed in. They are in a state full of distractions and forces that compete for their attention and participation. Externally methods inculcating in them the knowledge and make them learn the same way no longer gets the same measure the performance as in the past. Modern education has to respond to the changes in the status quo. This response is social engineering. By directly enter into the consciousness of the student and encourage him or her to study specific issues or conduct specific knowledge of external disturbances are lost. This implies that he or she can learn more and become more educated. Interference still exist, but their appeal is diluted and interests of students are indirectly addressed to more constructive and educational way. This describes the place and value of social engineering in modern education.
